Growth Notes

You’re Capable, But Do You Believe It?

Jason Frazier Episode 28

January 12th, 2025 - In this Growth Note, Frazier emphasizes the importance of belief in oneself. He discusses how self-doubt, fear, and past failures can hinder progress and stresses that belief is the foundation for achieving goals.

Frazier encourages listeners to reflect on their past successes, embrace challenges, and adopt a mindset that fosters confidence and action.

00:00 Believe in Yourself: Setting the Tone for the Week
00:18 Overcoming Self-Doubt and Fear
00:51 The Power of Belief in Achieving Goals
01:21 Trusting Yourself and Betting on Your Success
02:07 Taking Action and Building Confidence
02:55 The Importance of Belief in Success Stories
03:23 Final Thoughts and Community Engagement

Join the ⁠Green Zone Cohort⁠ that starts on January 16th at 12pm EST. 

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